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Celine Dion英文歌Because you loved me因為你愛過我+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習

Because you loved me


作詞: Diane Warren

作曲: Diane Warren

原唱: Celine Dion



第一影片(Celine Dion演唱)提供者:MrHarrysaint

For all those times you stood by me那些你在我身邊的一切時光

For all the truth that you made me see那些你所讓我看見的一切真相

For all the joy you brought to my life那些你所帶給我的人生的一切喜悅

For all the wrong that you made right那些你所改正的一切錯誤

For every dream you made come true那些你使每一樣成真的夢想

For all the love I found in you那些我在你身上所找到的一切

I'll be forever thankful, baby我永遠感謝你寶貝

You're the one who held me up你就是這個扶持著我的人

Never let me fall從不讓我跌倒

You're the one who saw me through, through it all你是這個真正瞭解我的人 瞭解我的一切


You were my strength when I was weak當我軟弱無力時 你是我的力量

You were my voice when I couldn't speak當我無法言語時 你是我的聲音

You were my eyes when I couldn't see當我看不見時 你是我的雙眼

You saw the best there was in me你看見了我身上的美好

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach當我搆不到時 你將我高高舉起

You gave me faith 'cause you believed你給了我信心 因為你相信

I'm everything I am我有了一切

Because you loved me因為你愛過我


You gave me wings and made me fly你給了我翅膀 使我飛翔

You touched my hand, I could touch the sky你觸摸我的手 使我能觸碰到天空

I lost my faith , you gave it back to me當我失去信心時 你會拾回給我

You said no star was out of reach你說沒有摘不到的星星

You stood by me and I stood tall你隨伺在側 讓我站得高高地

I had your love, I had it all我擁有你的愛 擁有了一切

I'm grateful for each day you gave me我感激你所賜給我的每一天

Maybe I don't know that much也許我了解的不多

But I know this much is true但我明白這都是千真萬確的

I was blessed because I was loved by you因為被你所愛 使我蒙受祝福

Hoo ooh ooh


You were my strength 你是我的力量

You were my voice when I couldn't speak當我無法言語時 你是我的聲音

You were my eyes when I couldn't see當我看不見時 你是我的雙眼

You saw the best there was in me你看見了我身上的美好

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach當我搆不到時 你將我高高舉起

You gave me faith 'cause you believed你給了我信心 因為你相信

I'm everything I am我有了一切

Because you loved me因為你愛過我

Oh  Oh  Oh


You were always there for me你總是在我身旁

The tender wind that carried me像溫柔的風攜帶著我

A light in the dark shining your love into my life像黑暗中的光將妳的愛照射到我的生命裏

You've been my inspiration你一直是我的靈感

Through the lies you were the truth穿越重重謊言 你才是真理

My world is a better place because of you我的世界由於有了你才變得更美好

Hoo ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh


You were my strength 你是我的力量

Oh when I couldn't speak當我無法言語時你是我的聲音

You were my eyes when I couldn't see當我看不見時 你是我的雙眼

You saw the best there was in me你看見了我身上的美好

Oh  Oh  Oh

Oh  Oh  Oh  Oh  Oh

Oh  Oh  Oh  Oh

'cause you believed因為你相信

I'm everything I am我有了一切

Because you loved me因為你愛過我


My heart you saw the best there was in me你看見了我身上的美好

Woah Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh


I'm everything I am我有了一切

Because you loved me因為你愛過我

Oh oh oh oh oh

I'm everything I am我有了一切

Because you loved me因為你愛過我


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Brandy英文歌Everything I Do I Do It For You我所做的一切 都是為了你+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習

Everything I Do I Do It For You

我所做的一切 都是為了你

作詞: Bryan Adams Michael Kamen Robert Lange

作曲: Bryan Adams Michael Kamen Robert Lange

原唱: Bryan Adams



一影片(Brandy演唱)提供者:Molly Miranda

Look into my eyes凝望著我的眼睛

You will see what you mean to me你會了解你對我的意義

Search your heart, search your soul探索你的內心、你的靈魂

Oh, when you find me當你在那兒發現了我

there you'll search no more你再也不需尋尋覓覓了

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for別對我說那不值得嘗試

You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for你不能對我說那不值得拼死以求

You know it's true, 你曉得那是真的

everything I do, I do it for you我所做的一切 都是為了你

Look in to your heart,直視到你內心

You will find there is nothin' there to hide你會發現沒有什麼需隱瞞的

Take me as I am, take my life接納這樣的我 接納我的生命

I would give it all, I would sacrifice我願意付出一切 我願意犧牲

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for別對我說不值得為它爭取

I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more我無法自拔 我更別無他求

You know it's true, 你曉得那是真的

everything I do, I do it for you我所做的一切 都是為了你

There is no love, like your love沒有別的愛像你的愛一樣

An' no other could give me more love沒有其他人能付出更多的愛

There's nowhere, unless your there你一定得出現

All the time, all the way永遠 及一切方式都是如此


Everything I do我所做的一切

You can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for你不能告訴我說那不值得嘗試

I just can't help it, there's nothin' in the world I want more我無法自拔 在這世上我更別無他求

Oh, I would fight for you, yeah, I'd lie for you我願為你爭取  我願為你而死

Walk the wire for you, 為你走鋼索

yeah, I'd die for you 我願為你而死

You know it's true, 你曉得那是真的

everything I do, I do it for you我所做的一切 都是為了你

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Elton John於1989年的歌曲,

作詞: Bernie Taupin

作曲: Elton John

原唱: Elton John



一影片(Elton John)提供者:Sunnyblume1

It's a human sign那是人類的標記

When things go wrong當事事都不順遂時

When the scent of her lingers當她的香味徘徊不去

And temptation's strong那誘惑依然強烈

Into the boundary of each married man走進每個已婚男子的界線內

Sweet deceit comes calling甜蜜的欺瞞來召喚

And negativity lands所有的否定都塵埃落定了

Cold, cold heart Hard done by you冰冰冷的心  受了你不當的對待

Some things look better, baby有些事情看來漸入佳境 寶貝

Just passing through只是雲淡風輕地經過


And it's no sacrifice沒有人犧牲掉

Just a simple word那只是個簡單的字眼

It's two hearts living那是活著的兩顆心

In two separate worlds活在分隔的兩個世界裏

But it's no sacrifice但沒有人犧牲

No sacrifice沒有人犧牲

It's no sacrifice at all一個也沒有犧牲


Mutual misunderstanding after the fact彼此誤解在事實之後

Sensitivity builds a prison在最後一幕

In the final act 敏感多疑建立起了個牢籠(倒裝句)


We lose direction我倆都迷失了方向

No stone unturned沒有石頭是搬不動的

No tears to damn you當忌妒在燃燒時

When jealousy burns 沒有淚水在譴責你(倒裝句)

Cold, cold heart Hard done by you冰冰冷的心  受了你不當的對待

Some things look better, baby有些事情看來漸入佳境 寶貝

Just passing through只是雲淡風輕地經過


And it's no sacrifice沒有人犧牲掉

Just a simple word那只是個簡單的字眼

It's two hearts living那是活著的兩顆心

In two separate worlds活在分隔的兩個世界裏

But it's no sacrifice但沒有人犧牲

No sacrifice沒有人犧牲

It's no sacrifice at all一個也沒有犧牲


Cold, cold heart Hard done by you冰冰冷的心  受了你不當的對待

Some things look better, baby有些事情看來漸入佳境 寶貝

Just passing through只是雲淡風輕地經過

And it's no sacrifice沒有人犧牲掉

Just a simple word那只是個簡單的字眼

It's two hearts living那是活著的兩顆心

In two separate worlds活在分隔的兩個世界裏

But it's no sacrifice但沒有人犧牲

No sacrifice沒有人犧牲

It's no sacrifice at all一個也沒有犧牲


No sacrifice at all一個也沒有犧牲

No sacrifice at all一個也沒有犧牲

No sacrifice at all一個也沒有犧牲

No sacrifice at all一個也沒有犧牲

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Michael Learns to Rock英文歌Take me to your heart帶我到妳心中去+歌詞+中譯翻譯

Take me to your heart


作詞: Van Morrison

作曲: Van Morrison

原唱: Michael Learns to Rock



一影片(Michael Learns to Rock)提供者:washseacbcmember 古麟

Hiding from the rain and snow 躲開雨雪

Trying to forget but I won't let go努力忘記但我不能放手

Looking at a crowded street 注視著熙熙攘攘的街道

Listening to my own heart beat 卻傾聽自己的心跳

So many people all around the world 這麼多的人在這世界上

Tell me where do I find someone like you girl 請告訴我哪裏可以找到像你一樣的女孩

Take me to your heart 帶我到妳心中去

Take me to your soul 帶我進到妳靈魂去

Give me your hand before I'm old 在我老去之前 幫忙我吧

Show me what love is告訴我情為何物

Haven't got a clue沒有一點跡象

Show me that wonders can be true 告訴我奇跡可以是真實的

They say nothing lasts forever 人們說沒有什麼可以天長地久

We're only here today我們只能此時在一起

Love is now or never 愛情是稍縱即逝

Bring me far away請帶我遠走高飛吧

Take me to your heart帶我到妳心中去

Take me to your soul 帶我進到妳靈魂去

Give me your hand and hold me 幫忙我吧並擁我入懷

Show me what love is 告訴我情為何物

Be my guiding star 做我的導航星吧

It's easy Take me to your heart 帶我到妳心中去 是很簡單


Standing on a mountain high 站在高山之顛

Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky透過清澈的藍天 看著月亮高掛

I should go and see some friends 我應該去見見朋友們

But they don't really comprehend但他們真的不明白我的心情

Don't need too much talking 不需要多語

Without saying anything All I need is someone 一語不發 我所需要的是

Who makes me want to sing一個讓我想高歌的人

Take me to your heart 帶我到妳心中去

Take me to your soul 帶我進到妳靈魂去

Give me your hand before I'm old 在我老去之前 幫忙我吧

Show me what love is 告訴我情為何物

Haven't got a clue 沒有一點跡象

Show me that wonders can be true 告訴我奇跡可以是真實的

They say nothing lasts forever 人們說沒有什麼可以天長地久

We're only here today 我們只能此時在一起

Love is now or never愛情是稍縱即逝

Bring me far away 請帶我遠走高飛吧

Take me to your heart帶我到妳心中去

Take me to your soul 帶我進到妳靈魂去

Give me your hand and hold me幫忙我吧並擁我入懷

Show me what love is告訴我情為何物

Be my guiding star 做我的導航星吧

It's easy Take me to your heart 帶我到妳心中去 是很簡單

Take me to your heart 帶我到妳心中去

Take me to your soul 帶我進到妳靈魂去

Give me your hand and hold me 幫忙我吧並擁我入懷

Show me what love is告訴我情為何物

Be my guiding star做我的導航星吧

It's easy Take me to your heart帶我到妳心中去 是很簡單

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